How to cluster my data set using Self Organising Map (SOM)

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
i have a dataset like this, Its basically x and y cordinadte of 25 object. Now i want to devide into 5 cluster
[76.47876 14.04994
42.10694 87.98664
5.681318 9.537679
58.5747 35.25601
17.41552 59.34206
72.86107 58.51816
53.4291 66.76818
25.30643 64.80271
91.70567 43.33691
75.81945 13.97588
88.70307 75.19295
6.879817 24.17868
18.35282 65.04593
73.70727 85.73741
69.67149 8.437047
77.69929 97.20892
50.19034 3.145994
2.54968 83.54046
61.12371 83.57133
85.57719 4.98575
67.07971 54.58862
52.3592 94.31698
29.88154 32.14731
70.39691 80.64668 ]

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