How to show surface plot of 2D data?

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I have a set of data points, C at each x and y (for many cases). In 2D, the plot looks simply like this:
So this is a sample plot for one x. There are similar plots for other x values as well.
What I want is some kind of surface plot. How can I get it? I tried to use surf and contour, but they need their z to be a matrix, not an array.
For instance, the data looks like this:
% set1
x = [1 1 1 1];
y = [1 3 5 16];
C = [100 400 200 500];
% set2
x = [2 2 2 2];
y = [4 7 8 13];
C = [200 500 700 100];
Thank you


Star Strider
Star Strider 2019-12-10
Try this (with your own vectors):
x = rand(10,1); % Create Data
y = rand(10,1); % Create Data
z = rand(10,1); % Create Data
[X,Y] = ndgrid(sort(x), sort(y)); % Create Interpolation Grids
Z = griddata(x, y, z, X, Y); % Interpolate ‘z’
surf(X, Y, Z)
hold on
stem3(x, y, z, 'filled')
hold off
grid on
Experiment to get different results.
  9 个评论
Steven 2019-12-10
编辑:Steven 2019-12-10
Unfortuantely some of them are not of the same size, but some of them are! But it works for those that are though :)
P.S., I edited the original post to include the data.
Thanks again
Star Strider
Star Strider 2019-12-10
As always, my pleasure!
You can make them all the same size with the interp1 or interp2 functions. It is slightly more work, however you can then use all your data.
For example, to extend ‘x1’, ‘y1’, and ‘C1’ to each have a length of 7:
x1i = x1(1)*ones(1,7);
y1i = interp1((1:numel(x1)), y1, linspace(1, numel(x1), numel(x1i)));
C1i = interp1((1:numel(x1)), C1, linspace(1, numel(x1), numel(x1i)));
You could probably create a function to do this.


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