Index must be a positive integer less than or equal to the number of test sets.

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
i'm trying to create 10-fold cross validation for my CNN. To create the 10 batches I'm using a for loop, but it's giving this error again and again.
'Index must be a positive integer less than or equal to the number of test sets.'
Possibly how I can change the loop to initialize batches.?
for k=1:10
%%Prep Data
% 10 kfold crossvalidation indicies
c = cvpartition(204,'kfold',10);
testInd = test(c,selectBatch(k));
trainInd = ~testInd;
epochsTarget = zeros(204,1);
epochsTarget= categorical(epochsTarget);
  3 个评论
Joana 2019-12-11
编辑:Image Analyst 2019-12-11
Sorry if my question did not make sense.
This is the full error:
Error using internal.stats.cvpartitionImpl>checkindex (line 441)
Index must be a positive integer less than or equal to the number of test sets.
Error in internal.stats.cvpartitionImpl/test (line 229)
Error in cvpartition/test (line 229)
testIndices = test(cv.Impl,varargin{:});
And it is possible due to this line of the code:
testInd = test(c,selectBatch(k));
Because when I run the code withourt for loop, and with a fixed parameter of 'selectBatch' the code runs okay, but it doesn't work with the for loop.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2019-12-11
The error message says your line of code throwing the error is
testIndices = test(cv.Impl,varargin{:});
testInd = test(c,selectBatch(k));
When you set a breakpoint on line 229 of your program, what are the values of cv.Impl and varargin{:}? Why are you sending in varargin anyway???


回答(1 个)

Adam 2019-12-11
编辑:Adam 2019-12-11
is a cell array, which clearly is not an integer.
may be what you want instead.
That said, your cell array also appears to be empty anyway.


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