How to fit an exponential curve with known error bars

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have some data (x,T) that can be fitted by an exponential curve, and I have error bars for my T values. I need to find a fitted exponential slope and report a slope error as well, taking the T error bars into account. This comment ( suggests a fmincon method, but then says that exponential expressions may require a different method without suggesting what it may be. Are there any MATLAB functions that would be most appropriate, or will this require custom coding? If the latter, any good methods for me to follow? Thanks!
x = [0.272; 0.706; 1.128; 1.508; 2.146];
T = [0.243113773; 0.101265823; 0.06343949; 0.0355; 0.015083799];
Terr = [ T+0.05.*T, T-0.05*T];

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