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Routing alghorithm in cellular cell

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Riccardo Giaffreda
Riccardo Giaffreda 2020-1-25
关闭: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021-8-20
Hello, I am simulating a cellular cell with N users where I have the SNR information for each possible link (so a symmetric NxN matrix). I want to create a routing tree where each user is at least linked to another one. I need to start from 2 random users which will be the head of the tree. Then for each link the criteria should be that when SNR for link i,j is below a certain threshold there is no direct link in the tree between user i and j. On the other hand when it is greater there could be a direct link. Moreover I need to build the tree such as that when SNR(i,j) and SNR(i,k) are close (so their difference is below another SNR threshold) only the user with the greater SNR between them two will be picked as a direct link from user i. Does anyone have any suggestion about how to implement this problem?

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