Read tsv. file

51 次查看(过去 30 天)
Houn JH
Houn JH 2020-1-27
Hoping somebody can help me out with some code. I’m trying to read .tsv files into Matlab using a loop so I can go through a bunch of trials quickly. I’ve never read in .tsv files before. I am looking at the code starting on line 55, The code on line 56 is supposed to get rid of the first 27 rows since those rows were all text and no data.
Attahced csv.file format was tsv. but I had to change the label to csv. due to reading file error.
  5 个评论
Houn JH
Houn JH 2020-1-28
But, this error message poped up on the command window.
Error in Untitled (line 55)
eval(['tsvread' num2str(trialname) '.tsv;']);%This code loads in the file named "trialname";


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