How can I change the marker size in legend?

412 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, I am having a trouble with chaning the marker size in legned. I plotted some graphs as follows.
plot(Model.Period,Model.QQ,'o','MarkerEdgeColor','k', 'LineWidth', 2, ...
hold on;
area(Model.Period,Model.QQ, 'FaceColor',[.6 .9 .8],'EdgeColor','k');
hold off;
xlim([min(Model.Period) max(Model.Period)]);
Graph.leg3 = legend('Q as o-symbol','Q as area plot');
set(Graph.leg3,'Location','NorthEast', 'FontWeight', 'bold').
I want to increase the size of marker in the legend without changing the marker size in the graphs. Can you help me, please? Thank you.
  4 个评论
Lauren Cook
Lauren Cook 2018-3-7
I just tried doing this with MATLAB 2014b with the following code
sz = 20:30:(20+30*5);
[h,icons,plots,legend_text] = legend('1hour','3hour','6hour','12hour','24hour','Location','NorthWest');
for i = 1:length(icons)
icons(i).Children.MarkerSize = sz(i);
|And I got the following error: |
No public field MarkerSize exists for class
Error in plot_depth_qqplot_allDRTM (line 54)
icons(i).Children.MarkerSize = sz(i);
I also tried this:
for i = 1:length(icons)
set(icons(i),'MarkerSize', sz(i));
And got this error:
Error using
There is no MarkerSize property on the Text class.
I am trying to set each marker size in the legend equal to the size in the figure. The size increases as the duration for that point increase (e.g., 1hr to 24 hrs). Is is actually possible to change the individual marker size in a legend? If so, what am I doing wrong? Thanks for any help.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2019-9-23
sz = 20:30:(20+30*5);
That is 6 entries
[h,icons,plots,legend_text] = legend('1hour','3hour','6hour','12hour','24hour','Location','NorthWest');
That has 5 legend entries. The mismatch is likely leading to difficulties.


回答(11 个)

Shawn Daugherty
Shawn Daugherty 2018-9-10
编辑:Shawn Daugherty 2018-9-10
This might be a roundabout way but in R2017b this works for me:
% Create a legend with 3 entries
[h,icons] = legend('Entry 1','Entry 2','Entry 3');
% Find the 'line' objects
icons = findobj(icons,'Type','line');
% Find lines that use a marker
icons = findobj(icons,'Marker','none','-xor');
% Resize the marker in the legend
Hope this helps.
  2 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018-9-11
编辑:Walter Roberson 2018-9-11
I am not sure why your findobj() ends in -xor ? You would normally need another condition after that.
icons = findobj(icons, '-not', 'Marker', 'none');
In a more general context where icons might be mixed objects,
icons = findobj(icons, '-property', 'Marker', '-and', '-not', 'Marker', 'none');
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2020-4-18
编辑:Adam Danz 2020-4-18
Note that this solution uses undocumented outputs to legend() that have caused problems in recent releases of Matlab (since r2018b). For a full explanation of this problem, see this comment.


Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2020-4-18
编辑:Adam Danz 2020-9-29
How to create legend components that are customizable
Copy the plotted objects and replace their (x,y,z) coordinates with NaN values so the copied objects do not appear in the plot. You can change the graphics properties to the copied objects and use their handles to create the customizable legend.
% Create the plot
ax = axes();
hold on
h(1) = plot(linspace(1,5,25), rand(1,25), 'ro', 'DisplayName', 'foo');
h(2) = plot(1:5, rand(1,5), 'b-', 'DisplayName', 'bar');
% copy the objects
hCopy = copyobj(h, ax);
% replace coordinates with NaN
% Either all XData or all YData or both should be NaN.
set(hCopy(1),'XData', NaN', 'YData', NaN)
set(hCopy(2),'XData', NaN', 'YData', NaN)
% Note, these lines can be combined: set(hCopy,'XData', NaN', 'YData', NaN)
% To avoid "Data lengths must match" warning, assuming hCopy is a handle array,
% use arrayfun(@(h)set(h,'XData',nan(size(h.XData))),hCopy)
% Alter the graphics properties
hCopy(1).MarkerSize = 15;
hCopy(1).LineWidth = 2;
hCopy(2).LineWidth = 3;
% Create legend using copied objects
Note that some graphics objects have different property names for XData and YData.
Why you souldn't use solutions that rely on legend() outputs
Since r2018b only the first output of the legend function is documented. Archived documentation for the legend function from r2016a to r2018a suggests avoiding the use of the outputs other than the first output:
Note: This syntax is not recommended and creates a legend that does not support all graphics features. Use the l = legend(__) syntax to return the legend object and set Legend Properties instead.
For example, if the first and second outputs to legend() are both included, it interferes with the ability to change the fontsize of the legend text.
  6 个评论
Sim 2023-6-1
编辑:Sim 2023-6-1
@Adam Danz Me again, Hi! ...What if I want slightly transparent symbols in the legend. Indeed, I can set transparency for scatter:
but I cannot do the same for plot...right?
Any workaround to add transparency to the legends symbols, and still using your method?
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2023-6-1
Transparency for line objects is not fully supported and does not have a property similar to MarkerEdgeAlpha. Instead of copying the axes objects and duplicating them for the legend, you could replace the line object with a scatter object that has the same color and size but applies MarkerEdgeAlpha.


Jeffers 2016-8-11
编辑:Walter Roberson 2016-8-11
A brute force (not very elegant) kind of thing I often do (Matlab 2015b, but should work in all) is to create a new plot of a single point (on the same figure) with the same marker type and the size you require in the legend. Just make sure the point doesnt show up in your graph (e.g. by controlling the axis limits using axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax])).
plot(4:1:8,1:2:9,'x','MarkerSize',10,'Color',[1 0 0]);
hold on;
axis([0 9 0 9]);
p=plot(100,100,'x','MarkerSize',50,'Color',[1 0 0]);
l=legend(p,'Big Marker','Location','NorthWest');
set(l,'Interpreter', 'latex','FontSize',20);
Of course, you can do this with several different types of data point (marker), where 'p' becomes a vector e.g. p(1)=plot();p(2)=plot();...
  1 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-8-11
You can use nan or inf for the point coordinates to ensure it will not render the points without having to adjust the plotting limits.


Ramalingam Kailasham
legendmarkeradjust does not give a satisfactory performance with R2017b. The legend markers are of a different style from the figure. LaTeX interpretation also seems to be a problem. Shouldn't there be a simpler way to adjust the legend marker size??!

Jing Ci Neo
Jing Ci Neo 2019-9-23
编辑:Jing Ci Neo 2019-9-23
I find that this works. For example if I want to change the symbol size of the second and third symbols:
[hLg, icons]=legend('Lines','A','B','C');
icons = findobj(icons,'Type','patch');
icons = findobj(icons,'Marker','none','-xor');
  6 个评论
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2020-4-18
As Walter pointed out, this solution uses udocumented outputs to legend() that have caused problems in recent releases of Matlab (since r2018b). For a full explanation of this problem, see this comment.


Sachin Ganjare
Sachin Ganjare 2012-10-9
  9 个评论
Sachin Ganjare
Sachin Ganjare 2012-10-9
plot_handle = plot(Model.Period,Model.QQ,'o','MarkerEdgeColor'.....
set(plot_handle, 'ShowHiddenHandles', 'on')


Lionel Trébuchon
Lionel Trébuchon 2016-5-11
I am interested too! Neither "children" nor "findobj" seem to work in Matlab 2015b!
Friendly greetings, Lionel

Andreas 2017-3-24
The function adjust legend marker size has now been updated to work with Matlab 2016b

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2012-10-9
  6 个评论
Hwee 2012-10-9
I am trying to change the marker size in the legend.
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2012-10-9
编辑:Azzi Abdelmalek 2012-10-9


Andreas 2014-4-1
编辑:Andreas 2014-4-4
  3 个评论
Luis Pazos
Luis Pazos 2015-12-3
编辑:Walter Roberson 2019-9-23
Hi Andreas,
Do you know if this script still works? I have tried it in the last version of matlab, and doesn't seem to be able to find any children for legend.
I paste the response of the first four lines of you code in my figure:
s =
Box: 'on'
Color: [1 1 1]
EdgeColor: [1 1 1]
FontName: 'Cambria'
FontSize: 32
FontAngle: 'normal'
FontWeight: 'normal'
Interpreter: 'tex'
LineWidth: 0.6000
Location: 'northeast'
Orientation: 'vertical'
Position: [0.5988 0.6667 0.2943 0.1901]
String: {'Sqrt(PL) = n(x)' 'Photocurrent'}
TextColor: [0 0 0]
Units: 'normalized'
Children: []
Parent: [1x1 Figure]
Visible: 'on'
HandleVisibility: 'on'
UIContextMenu: [1x1 ContextMenu]
BusyAction: 'queue'
BeingDeleted: 'off'
Interruptible: 'off'
CreateFcn: ''
DeleteFcn: ''
ButtonDownFcn: @bdowncb
Type: 'legend'
Tag: 'legend'
UserData: []
Selected: 'off'
SelectionHighlight: 'on'
HitTest: 'on'
PickableParts: 'visible'
s1 =
0x0 empty GraphicsPlaceholder array.
s2 =
s2 =
0x0 empty GraphicsPlaceholder array.
I also attach the figure in which I'm applying this. What I would need is basically to make the lines of the legend larger, because at the moment they are disproportionately small compared to the letters. I would really appreciate help with this.
Thanks in advance, Luis
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-5-11
As of R2014b, legend no longer have children.


Ioannis Matthaiou
hi, has anyone found a solution as to how to adjust markersize property of the legend in matlab 2015b? thanks, yiannis


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