inverter single phase 230v ac to 3 phase 400v ac

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, I.m trying to make a simple pwm project of an inverter, (with simscape) which receive as input 225v ac in single phase and as output I would like to obtain 389v ac(225*sqrt(3)) for phase to phase voltage.
But, as output, from the 3 lines of the six mosfet, the phase to phase voltage measured is equal to 223v ac and not 225*sqrt(3).
Can anybody help me to find a solution?

回答(1 个)

Joel Van Sickel
Joel Van Sickel 2023-2-16
The first issue is that you are feeding a constant duty cycle into each arm of the inverter. This does not generate an AC signal. You need to do something like this:


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