How to use Aspen Plus - Matlab Link?

71 次查看(过去 30 天)
Zain Javed
Zain Javed 2020-2-9
评论: Walter Roberson 2024-8-26,18:56
Please help me I am new to Matlab and Aspen Plus but have basic knowledge so please guide in detail. Please tell me what steps do I follow to link Aspen file and Matlab.
The Matlab cod file is:
%% Created by Ing. Andrés Felipe Abril. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Departamento de Ingeniería Química.
%% Linking
Aspen = actxserver('Apwn.Document.36.0'); %34.0 ---> V8.8; 35.0 ---> V9.0; and 36.0 ---> V10.0
[stat,mess]=fileattrib; % get attributes of folder (Necessary to establish the location of the simulation)
Simulation_Name = 'Reactive_Distillation';% Aspeen Plus Simulation Name
Aspen.invoke('InitFromArchive2',[mess.Name '\' Simulation_Name '.bkp']);
Aspen.Visible = 1; % 1 ---> Aspen is Visible; 0 ---> Aspen is open but not visible
Aspen.SuppressDialogs = 1; % Suppress windows dialogs.
Aspen.Engine.Run2(1); % Run the simulation
while Aspen.Engine.IsRunning == 1 % 1 --> If Aspen is running; 0 ---> If Aspen stop.
%% Example of Application
Reflux_Ratio = [1, 3, 5, 7];
for i = 1:length(Reflux_Ratio)
Aspen.Tree.FindNode("\Data\Blocks\RC-101\Input\BASIS_RR").Value = Reflux_Ratio(i); % Column Reflux
Aspen.Reinit; % Reinit simulation
Aspen.Engine.Run2(1); %Run the simulation. (1) ---> Matlab isnt busy; (0) Matlab is Busy;
time = 1;
while Aspen.Engine.IsRunning == 1 % 1 --> If Aspen is running; 0 ---> If Aspen stop.
time = time+1;
if time==15 % Control of simulation time.
Simulation_Convergency = Aspen.Tree.FindNode("\Data\Results Summary\Run-Status\Output\PCESSTAT").Value; % 1 Doesn't Convergence; 0 Converge
if Simulation_Convergency == 0 && time < 10
Duty(i) = Aspen.Tree.FindNode("\Data\Blocks\RC-101\Output\REB_UTL_DUTY").Value; %Duty value of reactive column
Duty(i) = inf; % Its Penalized if simulation doesn't converge;
%% Plotting
plot(Reflux_Ratio, Duty, 'ok');
  8 个评论
MINH 2024-8-26,10:30
I send you my diameter retrival code, if you want more please like the picture of process flowsheet in aspen just let me know
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2024-8-26,18:56
All of the places that you use the Name property are within a try block. You do not show the catch block code.
You should probably put a breakpoint at the assignment to Qc_node and single-step looking at the results of the FindNode calls -- looking to see what size() and class() is being returned, and testing whether the result has an accessible Name property.


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