hardware resources for training deep neural network

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
I would like to perform training using multiple CPU, for each call of the function trainNetwork().
According to the documentation, I have specified in ExecutionEnvironment = 'parallel'; to use the local parallel pool.
However, during training, the current trace appears "Training on single CPU", which I suppose indicates that is using only one CPU.
Is it supported multiple CPU training? If so, do you have any suggestion on how to modify the parameters to support multiple CPU training?
Is there any conflict with parfor instruction?
Thanks in advance for your help.
All the best.


Srivardhan Gadila
Srivardhan Gadila 2020-2-13
Please refer to the following link.
  3 个评论
Srivardhan Gadila
I would suggest you to set ExecutionEnvironment = 'parallel' in trainingOptions and train the network instead of parfor.
shivan artosh
shivan artosh 2020-10-5
Hello Mr.
i need to use multiple CPU instead of hardware resource: single CPU in order to speed the network up, so do you have any suggestion for me?


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