2D plot with 3 axis and 3 column data

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I have 3 column data. I plot 2D 3 axis graph in Excel. I want the same also with colours and labels on Matlab. It is attached as graph name. Can you help me please?


Star Strider
Star Strider 2020-2-14
I have no idea which column is which curve.
Try this:
[D,T,R] = xlsread('Kitap3.xlsx');
Q1 = D(1:15,:);
time = linspace(0, size(D,1), size(D,1));
yyaxis left
plot(time, D(:,1))
hold on
plot(time, D(:,2))
yyaxis right
plot(time, D(:,3))
hold off
Experiment with the column assignments to get the result you want.
See the documentation on yyaxis for details.
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