How can I detemine the presence of some colors (e.g white, light brown, dark brown, red, blue gray and black) in a piture like attached one?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have to count presence of any colour if its number of pixels is more than 5% of total number of pixels.


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2020-2-22
With 16 millino colors possible in a24 bit RGB image, probably no color has that much. You'd be best off defining a limited number, like 5 or 10, color ranges. Then like Daniel said, use the Color Thresholder App to get the area fraction for each color range that you specify.
  2 个评论
riya shahrin
riya shahrin 2020-2-22
编辑:riya shahrin 2020-2-22
I was having problem in selecting threshold value for some colours in color thresholder app as they are not exacty visible and separate from other shades. how can I select threshold value for light brown,derk brown and blue grey?
whenever I give a fixed RGB value for a color (e.g rgb(181,101,29) for light brown),number of pixel of that colour become zero.


更多回答(1 个)

Daniel Vieira
Daniel Vieira 2020-2-21
the easiest way would be using the Color Thresholder App to create function for the each color you want.


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