How to make this 3D plot from parameterized function?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear Sir:
Attached below is a picture from the textbook. Here is the function:
w=xy+z, x=cos(t), y=sin(t), z=t
The book shows the 3D plot of this function, which is a curve living in 3D. I am wondering how to do that in MatLab.
Next is a function:
w=x+2y+z^2, x=r/s, y=r^2+lns, z=2r
Since there are two parameters, so this function is a surface living in 3D. The book doesn't show the plot, but I wish I can plot it and take a look.
I have googled and just have no clue how to do this. I know some basice plotting, like contour, surface. I know how to plot a vector field. I am always eager to learn. If you can point me the direction, that will be great.
Thank you very much! Have a nice day!
  3 个评论
darova 2020-2-27
  • w=xy+z
What does it mean? Color?
  • Next is a function:
  • w=x+2y+z^2, x=r/s, y=r^2+lns, z=2r
What are r and s parameters? Radius and angle?
ryecatcher 2020-2-27
I don't know their physical meaning. It is just a function, with 3 components(x,y,z) and 2 parameters(r, s).



darova 2020-2-27
axis vis3d

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