I get an incorrect T value. Could you help me with this please?

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function [T,aliveFlag] = tutorial3(T1,timeend,nt)
% Description: This file implements the Fourier Series solution to the heat equation.
% Input parameters:
% - T1 - temperature at r=0
% - timeend - time of simulation in seconds
% - nt - number of points in time vector
% Output parameters:
% - T - temperature profile along persons head
% - aliveFlag - 1 if person is alive, 0 if the person is dead
% Spatial (r) parameters
L = 0.12; % Size of the domain
rstart = 0; % Start of computational domain (m)
rend = L; % End of computational domain (m)
nr = 101; % Number of grid points along the radius vector
dr = (rend-rstart)/(nr-1); % Spatial step size, delta r (m)
r = linspace(rstart,rend,nr); % Vector of grid points in r
% Temporal (t) parameters
timestart = 0;% Starting time (0 seconds)
timeend = 60;
dt = (timeend-timestart)/(nt-1); % Temporal step size, delta t (s)
time = linspace(timestart,timeend,nt); % Vector of times
% Phyiscal parameters
T1 = -41; % Temperature at r=0
T2 = 37; % Temperature at r=L
A = T2-T1; % Amplitude of the saw tooth wave
k = 0.527; % Thermal conductivity (W/m-K)
rho = 1000; % Density (kg/m^3)
gamma = 3600; % Heat capacity (J/kg-
c = sqrt(k/(rho*gamma)); % Heat equation constant c^2=k/(rho*sigma)
% Calculate B coefficients using a for loop
nfs = 1000; % Number of fourier terms
B = zeros(1,nfs); % Initialise B vector
lambda=zeros(1,nfs); % Initialise lambda vector
for n = 1:nfs;
B(n)=156/(n*pi); % Calculate B coefficients
%% Solve for er series
% Loop thT using three for loops in time, space, and Fourirough time
for i = 1:nt % For each time
t = time(i); % time in seconds
% Vector of zeros to initialise the Fourier series solution.
% This should be re-initialised at each new time step.
T = zeros(1,nr);
% Loop through space
for j = 1:nr; % For each grid point
T(j) = (78*r(j)/L)-41; % Add the steady state solution
% Loop through the Fourier series
for n = 1:nfs;
% Calculate series sum for T at r(j) and t
T(j) = B(n)*sin(n*pi*r(j)/L)*exp(-lambda(n)^2*t)+T(j);
  2 个评论
Pass the inputs arguments tutorial3(T1,timeend,nt) and get the T, as defined output argument.
Siratul Srotoshwini
I did pass the input arguments but I still get an incorrect value. Could you please check if there is sth wrong with my code or not?


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