Make AVI file from plots?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Sam Zipper
Sam Zipper 2012-10-19
Howdy folks- I've tried searching around on here for a few hours with little success. I'm trying to make a movie that will show the evolution of the surface over time. I've successfully graphed a colored surface of x,y,z values using pcolor - x and y are the coordinates, z is an interpolated elevation - and set up a for loop to run through my images, and put them into an avi file. The only problem is that when I open the avi file in VLC, each frame is black. I'm guessing it's something to do with defining the colormap in my avifile command, but I can't figure out how it works... any tips?
I'm using R2011a on a Mac, if that matters - I know that means that I don't have any options for compression type.
Thanks! Code is below.
clear all; close all; clc
load WSE_0524-0703.mat
aviobj = avifile('test.avi','compression','None','fps',1,'quality',100);
x = easting; % x coordinates of wells
y = northing; % y coordinates of wells
xDim = 305100:25:305650; % define dimensions to interpolate
yDim = 4793600:25:4794200; % define dimensions to interpolate
[gridX,gridY] = meshgrid(xDim,yDim); % make a meshgrid of x and y
z = wseAll(1,:)';
F = TriScatteredInterp(x,y,z); % interpolate between wells
gridZ = F(gridX,gridY); % solve for z at each point on meshgrid
colorplot = figure;
pcolor(gridX,gridY,gridZ); % 2D meshed surface colormap
hold on
shading flat % turn off grid
colorbar; % add colorbar
caxis([295 300]); % colorbar scale
hold off
frame = getframe( colorplot );
aviobj = addframe(aviobj,frame);
for k = 2:300:902;
z = wseAll(k,:)';
F = TriScatteredInterp(x,y,z); % interpolate between wells
gridZ = F(gridX,gridY); % solve for z at each point on meshgrid
colorplot = figure;
pcolor(gridX,gridY,gridZ); % 2D meshed surface colormap
hold on
shading flat % turn off grid
colorbar; % add colorbar
caxis([295 300]); % colorbar scale
hold off
frame = getframe( colorplot );
aviobj = addframe(aviobj,frame);
aviobj = close(aviobj);
close all

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