comparing two columns of a table in MATLAB

32 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to compare the second column with the 3rd column to find out if there is any row having the same values in both columns.
Let's say, for example, 1st ,3rd and 4th rows have the same values in both the two columns. I would like to add another column to the table which shows me if the rows are compared with eachother.
Currently I have wrote this loop, but it writes 0 eventhough the columns are the same
if(Table1.Interval1 == Table1.ActivityCode1)
Comparison(i)= 1;
Comparison(i)= 0;
Comparison = (Comparison)';
Could you please help me?


Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes 2020-3-27
编辑:Geoff Hayes 2020-3-27
Annick - how about you remove the loop and just do
Comparison = Table1.Interval1 == Table1.ActivityCode1;
Wouldn't Comparison be an array of ones and zeros where a one indicates that the two elements (in whatever row) are equal, and a zero indicating that the two elements aren't zero?

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