I am struggling to connect to a TG2512A using the IVI drivers. I am attempting to follow the IVI Starter Guide. I have installed:
- NI VISA drivers
- NI IVI Compliance Package Download - National Instruments
- TG5011A IVI Driver (As per TTI website)
[Edit 1: I have not been able to locate any documentation on specific cross-requirements of various drivers, but noted that the NI packages seemed to be 'popular' so went ahead and used these. This may be where I am going wrong, but I am unsure how to verify what the actual requirements are, since I can not find a TTI VISA or IVI compliance package.]
I get the following returns when I query instrhwinfo:
>> instrhwinfo
ans =
HardwareInfo with properties:
MATLABVersion: '9.7 (R2019b)'
SupportedInterfaces: {'gpib' 'serial' 'serialport' 'tcpip' 'udp' 'visa' 'Bluetooth' 'i2c' 'spi' 'modbus'}
SupportedDrivers: {'matlab' 'ivi' 'vxipnp'}
ToolboxName: 'Instrument Control Toolbox'
ToolboxVersion: '4.1 (R2019b)'
>> instrhwinfo visa
ans =
HardwareInfo with properties:
InstalledAdaptors: {'ni' 'tek'}
JarFileVersion: 'Version 4.1'
>> instrhwinfo ivi
ans =
HardwareInfo with properties:
LogicalNames: {}
Modules: {1×14 cell}
ConfigurationServerVersion: ''
MasterConfigurationStore: 'C:\ProgramData\IVI Foundation\IVI\IviConfigurationStore.xml'
IVIRootPath: 'C:\Program Files\IVI Foundation\IVI\'
As shown matlab does not list any LogicalNames for IVI drivers. I have however checked 'C:\Program Files (x86)\IVI Foundation\IVI\Drivers\' and a TG5011A folder does exist. It does not however contain a .mdd file.
As expected due to the above issue I am unable to connect to the device.
>> myfgen = fgen
>> myfgen.getResources()
Warning: 'getResources' will be removed in a future release. Use 'resources' instead.
ans =
>> myfgen.Resource = 'ASRL28::INSTR'
myfgen =
>> connect(myfgen)
Failed to connect to instrument, please provide driver name and try again.
Is my determination that the lack of Logical IVI names is the fault correct and how might I remedy it?