How do i use roipoly function in app designer?

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I want to use roipoly in app designer.
In graphical user interface, i can used as follow:
mask = roipoly;
In the app designer, however, axes function make the error as follow:
mask = roipoly;
Error using axes
Axes cannot be a child of UIAxes.
Please let me know how to solve this problem.
Thank you.

回答(1 个)

Jemima Pulipati
Jemima Pulipati 2020-7-24
编辑:Jemima Pulipati 2020-7-24
From my understanding, you are using axes() to modify the current axes and bring the parent figure into focus which could be because you are having a stacked axes and want to highlight a certain axes. In that case instead of using axes() you can try this link.
According to R2019b documentation roipoly() cannot be used in app designer.
Instead you can use drawrectangle() to interactively draw region of interest.
You can refer this link for more information.


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