How to display only red parts of an image?

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The Image above is an output from using the savitky_golay_filter made by Image Analyst. I am working on taking edges out of an image. I need only the red edges I produced from the image, curve fit and find Trajectory.
This is a college project Im working. Would be great if someone could guide me as deadlines shortcoming.
Attached is the image below of how I want my output to be:
I am stuck at part (c). Outline.
Thanks in advace,
~Harshan Desu


Mehmed Saad
Mehmed Saad 2020-4-8
编辑:Mehmed Saad 2020-4-8
You have to get R component which means you have to find out value of R greater than both G and B in RGB data. (May be some threshold like 2 times G or B etc)
suppose the variable rgbtest has the data of pciture you've posted
red_comp = rbgtest(:,:,1)>rbgtest(:,:,2) & rbgtest(:,:,1)>rbgtest(:,:,3);
  5 个评论
Mehmed Saad
Mehmed Saad 2020-4-8
编辑:Mehmed Saad 2020-4-8
I think you should spend some time on it. Also try playing with the conditions which differs red from other colors
red_comp = rbgtest(:,:,1)>rbgtest(:,:,2) & rbgtest(:,:,1)>rbgtest(:,:,3);
Harshan Desu
Harshan Desu 2020-4-16
I tried all different conditions and all suggestions I got here sir, nothing is helping me out to get neat and smooth edges. Please help me out.
This is my another question link:


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