How to smooth edges of an image with complex edges?

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello all,
I am a beginner here. I have been given a project in my college to extract edges of a car door. The edges are to be smooth and accurate. I used edge detection savitky_golay_filter and got an image as follows.
The original image: (reduced the size during upload)
Applied savitky_golay_filter at three different thresholds 40,167,240 and blended all the images to get most of the edges of the above image. After this I took only the red edges and converted the entire image to grey scale.
The below is the resultant:
Now the edges are not smooth and continous. How to smooth the edges so that I get sleek and continous lines?
  4 个评论
Harshan Desu
Harshan Desu 2020-4-16
Wow that is exactly what I wanted sir, how did u do it?



Mehmed Saad
Mehmed Saad 2020-4-16
编辑:Mehmed Saad 2020-4-16
I just changed the threshold condition
red_comp = rbgtest(:,:,1)>rbgtest(:,:,2) & rbgtest(:,:,1)>rbgtest(:,:,3);
windowSize = 10;
kernel = ones(windowSize) / windowSize ^ 2;
blurryImage = conv2(single(red_comp), kernel, 'same');
binaryImage = blurryImage > 0.5; % Rethreshold
where rbgtest is your blendedoutput.png
  1 个评论
Harshan Desu
Harshan Desu 2020-4-30
Is there a way to remove the unnecessary edges I want?Can u suggest me how to remove the edges I dont want?


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