There are 2 mistakes in the above implementation:
- Accessing a frame of frameBuffer as frameBuffer(i) instead of frameBuffer(:,:,:,i)
- The function shiftBuffer changes the values of frameBuffer locally in the function and in the main code the frameBuffer isn't changed.
I suggest you to make the following changes.
Change the function shiftBuffer as follows:
function frameBuffer = shiftBuffer(frameBuffer,frame,framesInBuffer)
frameBuffer(:,:,:,,framesInBuffer) = frame;
and the following lines in your code
frame = readFrame(videoObject);
shiftBuffer(frameBuffer,frame); % <--------- THIS IS THE PART
% We update the framesInBuffer counter
framesInBuffer = framesInBuffer + 1;
frame = readFrame(videoObject);
% We update the framesInBuffer counter
framesInBuffer = framesInBuffer + 1;
frameBuffer = shiftBuffer(frameBuffer,frame,framesInBuffer);