Segmentation training using original RGP image and binary mask

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have 2 datasets of just 1 object in several backgrounds taken by a smartphone camera.
Also, I have the masks for images in one of the datasets (created using Matlab image segmentrer).
Is there any suggestion of how to obtain mask for the other dataset ? based on the existing masks and rbg images ?
e.g., training a network in Matlab, built-in functions ?

回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2020-4-11
or even something simpler depending on how simple or complicated your object and backgrounds are.
  1 个评论
Ahmed Madhun
Ahmed Madhun 2020-4-12
Using segnet, i only see the possobility to manual label the images in the first database again rather that using the existing masks.



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