Draw the output shape

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
mohammad heydari
mohammad heydari 2020-4-14
I want to know how to draw the shape that is attached in the MATLAB software.This figure is in one article, and the author of the article acknowledged that it was an output from MATLAB. But I have no idea.
Please guide me.
  3 个评论
mohammad heydari
mohammad heydari 2020-4-14
编辑:mohammad heydari 2020-4-14
ِDear Geoff Hayes,
But it seems that I did not convey my intention to you correctly. Yes, it has an equation, and I have drawn it. But the way I draw is different from drawing graphically. I don't know what this kind of drawing is in MATLAB. Because it doesn't seems to follow a command like a simple plot. I hope I have stated my point correctly.
With respect,
Geoff Hayes
Geoff Hayes 2020-4-14
You probably need to show us the code you have written that creates the plot and discuss the differences between what you are observing and what you desire. Also, include any sample data that you have used.


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