Is there any other way to realize Simulink Block of "Tapped Delay" function?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I just want to realize some function ,store a series data into a array,just like this below:
double x;
double y[200];
int i=0;
So, I just realize it by Block of "Tapped Delay" in Discrete, like this <<>>,but when I generated the code,it's so inefficiency,just like this:
32 void test_step(void)
33 {
34 int_T i;
36 /* S-Function (sfix_udelay): '<Root>/Tapped Delay' */
37 memcpy(&y[0], &test_DWork.TappedDelay_X[0], 200U * sizeof(real_T));
39 /* Update for S-Function (sfix_udelay): '<Root>/Tapped Delay' incorporates:
40 * Update for Inport: '<Root>/In1'
41 */
42 for (i = 0; i < 199; i++) {
43 test_DWork.TappedDelay_X[i] = test_DWork.TappedDelay_X[i + 1];
44 }
46 test_DWork.TappedDelay_X[199] = x;
48 /* End of Update for S-Function (sfix_udelay): '<Root>/Tapped Delay' */
49 }
I think some Block like "Delay" in Discrete Library have the Circular buffer function,except "Tapped Delay" Block. how can I realize it ?


wang hua
wang hua 2012-10-26
thank Ryan, you have encouraged me. I have solved it today by using the Delay Block.Connect the input to a Delay Block with Terminator Block instead "Tapped Delay" Block.
  1 个评论
wang hua
wang hua 2012-10-26
now,it's generate code like this, I think it solved.
21 real_T x; /* '<Root>/In1' */
23 /* Exported block states */
24 real_T y[200]; /* '<Root>/Delay' */
34 void temp_step(void)
35 {
36 /* Update for Delay: '<Root>/Delay' incorporates:
37 * Update for Inport: '<Root>/In1'
38 */
39 y[temp_DWork.CircBufIdx] = x;
40 if (temp_DWork.CircBufIdx < 199U) {
41 temp_DWork.CircBufIdx++;
42 } else {
43 temp_DWork.CircBufIdx = 0U;
44 }
46 /* End of Update for Delay: '<Root>/Delay' */
47 }


更多回答(1 个)

Ryan G
Ryan G 2012-10-25
编辑:Ryan G 2012-10-25
You can try changing some of the optimizations in the configuration parameters to see if that changes the generated code at all. Otherwise, this may be the only way it is generated, in which case you should submit an enhancement request if you believe the circular method is better.
Furthermore, you could write an s-function of your own using the code you specified instead of the built in block.


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