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write a structure into the excel file not writing the structure contents

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I use
struct2table(strucutre name,'AsArray',1)
to convert the strctrue to the table and then using writetable to write it on the excel file.
It does the job but not include the contents of the sturcture fields in the excel file.The output excel file is this:
the text in the first row are field names. The content is not included.
Any idea?

回答(1 个)

Mehmed Saad
Mehmed Saad 2020-4-16
x.full_100 = rand(10,1);
x.cor_thre = rand(10,1);
x.full_65 = rand(10,1);
x.rhib = rand(10,1);
T= struct2table(x);
  2 个评论
Zeynab Mousavikhamene
well you did excatly what I mentioed above and it does not work. The contents of the fields are NOT included in the excel file.
Mehmed Saad
Mehmed Saad 2020-4-17
  1. all the variables are column vector
  2. i didn't use 'AsArray'
  3. i get this excel file after runing code



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