Matlab GPR -> equation for prediction

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Dear MathWorks-Team
I have a question regarding a GPR model (classreg.learning.regr.CompactRegressionGP). I trained a model in Matlab which works very well. The problem is, I want to use it in javascript for a webpage and this is where my issue starts. I know, that there is possibility to export a model using Matlab Coder into c++/c this does not help in my case since I really need to implement it myself in the context of this webpage.
My knowledge on GP is however only basic and I struggle to understand the theory here ( I know that I can derive the hyperparameters, ect from here ( The issue is, this is for someone who is not very very deep in the material impossible to understand/implent himself.
Could you therefore please write me down an easy equation based on the parameters of a model, how I can rewrite the prediction function?
This is my model:
obj_TrainedModel =
PredictorNames: {'column_2' 'column_3' 'column_4'}
ResponseName: 'Y'
CategoricalPredictors: []
ResponseTransform: 'none'
KernelFunction: 'Matern52'
KernelInformation: [1×1 struct]
BasisFunction: 'Constant'
Beta: 0.5967
Sigma: 0.2731
PredictorLocation: [3×1 double]
PredictorScale: [3×1 double]
Alpha: [39×1 double]
ActiveSetVectors: [39×3 double]
PredictMethod: 'Exact'
ActiveSetSize: 39
I appreciate all help a lot! Thanks in advance,
Best regards, J


Jonas Widmer
Jonas Widmer 2020-5-6
Found a solution myself. Here is the code if someone else needs it:
RegObj = obj_TrainedSet1.RegressionGP;
SigmaL = RegObj.KernelInformation.KernelParameters(1); %length scale
SigmaF = RegObj.KernelInformation.KernelParameters(2); %kernel scale
Sigma = RegObj.Sigma; %measurement noise
Alpha = RegObj.Alpha; % precomputed (K + Sigma*I)^-1*Y
Xraw = table2array(RegObj.X);
Yraw = RegObj.Y;
offsetX = RegObj.PredictorLocation'; % X offset
scaleX = RegObj.PredictorScale'; % X scaling
offsetY = RegObj.Beta; % Y offset
% after scaling (this is what goes into the GP)
X = repmat(scaleX,size(Xraw,1),1).\(Xraw - offsetX);
Y = Yraw - offsetY;
dist = @ (x1,x2) sqrt(sum((x1-x2).*(x1-x2),2)); %euclidean distance sqrt(x1-x2)'*(x1-x2)
matern52 = @(x1,x2) SigmaF^2*(1+ sqrt(5)*dist(x1,x2)/SigmaL + 5*dist(x1,x2).^2/(3*SigmaL^2)).*exp(-sqrt(5)*dist(x1,x2)/SigmaL);
K = [];
for i=1:size(X,1)
K(:,i) = matern52(X(i,:),X); % K matrix
Alpha_reconstructed = (K + Sigma^2*eye(size(X,1)))\Y; % this is already computed in Alpha
% test prediction of training data
for i=1:size(X,1)
pred_test(i) = matern52(X(i,:),X)'*Alpha;
% hold off
% plot(pred_test)
% hold on
% plot(Y) % fits the training data quite well
% for a general test point
x_new_raw = rand(1,3);
x_new = scaleX.*(x_new_raw - offsetX);
x_new = scaleX.\(rand_Input - offsetX);
mean_prediction = matern52(x_new,X)'*Alpha + offsetY;
var_prediction = matern52(x_new,x_new) + matern52(x_new,X)'*((K + Sigma*eye(size(X,1)))\matern52(x_new,X));

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