Reading in ugly data files

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Ryan Egan
Ryan Egan 2012-10-26
I created a simple data processing script using importdata. I am trying to process a new txt file using this script, but the structure of the data is very different, and importdata is getting tripped up somehow. I've decided to try and change the program a bit to use something more flexible, like textscan.
First, what do you recommend for reading in text file data that has both strings and numerical data? Is textscan really the best option?
Second, how do I deal with HUGE swaths of empty data cells in this particular text file?
edit: I know it says not to do this, but it has become obvious that I should say I am very new to matlab, so I don't really know what you mean when you say "EmptyValue" and "TreatAsEmpty." How do I properly use these parameters when calling the textscan function?
  5 个评论
Matt Kindig
Matt Kindig 2012-10-29
Hi Ryan,
From this line, what data do you need to extract? I'm thinking that regular expressions (regexp() function) would be better for you. In my experience working with irregularly structured text files, regexp() is more flexible/efficient than textscan() or the like. From this line, what form of the output data do you expect?
Ryan Egan
Ryan Egan 2012-10-30
Well, that's just the thing. I don't need ANY data from the first 10 rows of data (this is consistent across all the data files I would be reading in to matlab). So if I could just figure out a way for matlab to skip the first 10 rows of data and then start reading it in, while ignoring empty cells, that would be perfect.
Of any row in general, I would need values from 3 columns, two of which are numbers and one of which is a string. The remaining 96 columns are not important.



Argon 2012-10-30
I don't know how efficient that is, but I would try something like this:
  • preallocate your data variable
  • open the text file with fopen
  • start a loop
  • read line by line with fgetl
  • ignore the first 10 lines
  • use something like regexp(line, ',', 'split')
  • extract and the columns you need, apply trimming and type conversion, ignore a cell if it's empty, and any other post-processing of the cell values
  • end loop
  • call fclose
  1 个评论
Ryan Egan
Ryan Egan 2012-10-31
This worked great! I was able to read in all the data I needed from a raw text file and do all the calculations I needed to do with them. I might have a bit more difficulty now that I am adding loops to read in multiple data files and put them all into the same variables, but I think I just need to learn a bit more about arrays. Thanks!


更多回答(2 个)

per isakson
per isakson 2012-10-26
编辑:per isakson 2012-10-26
  • textscan is a good alternative for "... both strings and numerical data"
  • with textscan all data rows need to have the same format otherwise it becomes a bit tricky.
  • The options EmptyValue and TreatAsEmpty will take care of "empty data cells"
  • HUGE means different things to different people. The amount of empty cells shouldn't be a problem.

Kevin 2012-10-30
编辑:Kevin 2012-10-30
I have been doing something similar recently.
I think textscan should work,
% open the file (replace datapath with your file location)
fid = fopen(datapath);
% skip first ten lines (change the bufsize if it's not big enough) % raw will contain the first ten lines, pos is the current position in the file
[raw, pos] = textscan(fid, '%[^\n]',10, 'delimiter', ',', 'BufSize',100000);
% now you can use something like this to read in the first three columns % change the order of the %f %f %s to match your data types
data = textscan(fid, '%f %f %s %*[^\n]', 'delimiter', ',', 'BufSize',100000);
% close the file fclose(fid)
data should now contain the first three columns of your data.
Hopefully I have that correct!! No doubt there is a quicker way to do this.

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