How to remove 'e' from a matrix?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Vishvachi Sinha
Vishvachi Sinha 2020-4-22
评论: Stephen23 2020-4-22
I have an output matrix N = [12, 0.24e-16, 9]
want to remove e from the output matrix. I can do it from the command window by executing format short. But I want to do it in the code so that the output matrix is
N = [12, 0, 9]
How can I do this?
  2 个评论
Stephen23 2020-4-22
"How to remove 'e' from a matrix?"
Numeric matrices do not store the character 'e', so it cannot be "removed" if it isn't there.
All you are seeing is the displayed representaton of a rather small value. If you think that such small values do not belong in your data, then you could replace them with some other, e.g. using indexing (as Stephan's answer shows) or round.


回答(1 个)

Stephan 2020-4-22
编辑:Stephan 2020-4-22
this will hard set all values smaller than 1e-8 to zero.
>> format shorte
>> N = [12, 0.24e-16, 9]
N =
1.2000e+01 2.4000e-17 9.0000e+00
>> N(N<1e-8)=0
N =
12 0 9


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