Add column and row headers to a matrix for export

13 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a 46 x 46 matrix and I want to export the data with headers. Currently I am using xlswrite but it doesn't seem very stable and the file takes a long time to open.
RowNames = cellstr(headers);
col_header= RowNames';
row_header= RowNames;
MatLab doesn't recommend to use xlswrite but I don't know another function that will still put the matrix and headers in the correct orientation. Any ideas would be much appreciated

回答(1 个)

Ganesh Regoti
Ganesh Regoti 2020-4-29
I assume that you want to store the data in matrix with headers in .xls file. You could use following functions to achieve it
  1. array2table
  2. writetable
I found a similar question in MATLAB Answers which you can refer to
Hope this helps!


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