Travelling Salesman problem code additional constraint

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function Y = evaluation(P)
% P = population
% Distances between 10 cities
% city 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17%
D=[ 0 242 237 113 165 140 94 110 151 145 167 179 151 240 289 245 148
242 0 72 201 337 148 180 236 143 98 102 96 101 5 55 98 100
237 72 0 148 311 95 158 230 110 164 168 66 99 70 17 33 166
113 201 148 0 122 68 164 163 70 215 234 113 134 223 209 165 218
165 337 311 122 0 196 247 264 197 298 318 239 241 349 335 291 302
140 148 95 68 196 0 116 188 32 187 163 45 71 161 112 127 190
94 180 158 164 247 116 0 74 133 83 62 100 59 173 181 185 87
110 236 230 163 264 188 74 0 200 138 129 172 131 234 239 257 142
151 143 110 70 197 32 133 200 0 204 174 48 89 142 95 94 207
145 98 164 215 298 187 83 138 204 0 24 164 130 97 147 191 4
167 102 168 234 318 163 62 129 174 24 0 127 106 100 143 194 28
179 96 66 113 239 45 100 172 48 164 127 0 42 109 83 91 167
151 101 99 134 241 71 59 131 89 130 106 42 0 97 108 124 133
240 5 70 223 349 161 173 234 142 97 100 109 97 0 50 94 99
289 55 17 209 335 112 181 239 95 147 143 83 108 50 0 44 149
245 98 33 165 291 127 185 257 94 191 194 91 124 94 44 0 193
148 100 166 218 302 190 87 142 207 4 28 167 133 99 149 193 0] ; %city 10
[x y] = size(P);
for j = 1:x
for i = 1:y-1
C(j)=1/sum(B); % minimization problem
% Y=C;
How to add contraint that path generated should have starting point as city 1 and ending location also city 1.
I attached complete GA algorithm please update the constraint part and attach it...

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