How to define parameters as unknown constants for an optimization problem?

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I am a begginer in Matlab and I'm trying to solve the maximization problem below,
I looked up some simple code that I tried to adapt but I think the problem is in how I can't find a way to define parameters as constants and i get an error everytime I try to run the code I'm trying to use (below, with incorrect definition of parameters)
t = [];
h = [];
b = [];
e = [];
l = [];
m = [];
F = [];
f = [];
s = [];
p = optimvar('p');
q = optimvar('q');
a = optimvar('a');
prob = optimproblem;
prob.Objective = (p - (t*q^l/h))*q^{s-1}*a^{s-1}*(p^{-s}/(P^{1-s}))*Y - f * (a^(1-e)/(1+e)) - F * q^b;
prob.Constraints.cons1 = m*((p - (1-d)*(tq^(l)/h))*(q*a)^(s-1)*(p^(-s)/(P^(1-s)))*Y - (1-d)*f*(a^(1-e)/(1+e)) - F*q^b) >= d*(((tq^(l)/h))*(q*a)^(s-1)*(p^(-s)/(P^(1-s)))*Y - f*(a^(1-e)/(1+e)) - F*q^b);
sol = solve(prob);
My question is, how can I define the parameters as just constant parameters?
  2 个评论
Cesar García Echeverry
You should to define your parameters as constrains (equality, inequality or non-linear) and based on that, you should to define de O.F. You must to select the optimization solver.
Rui Santos
Rui Santos 2020-4-28
Did what you said, the constraints on parameters are just non-negativity constraints, now I'm getting the error below, any thoughts?


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