Undefined Function or Variable

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
AeroEng 2020-5-3
In my code I have a nested if loop. However, I define a variable and then call it in a separate if statement and it says it is undefined when it is clearly defined above. Plese help me. My code is attached below along with the error code.
close all;
% Initial Conditions
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SOUNDING ROCKETS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
ML = 1 ; % kg - Payload Mass
% hmax = [10 20 30]*10^3 ; % ft - Maximum Altitude
% amax = [5 10 20] ; % NonDim - Normalized Max Acceleration
% SM = [1 2 3] ; % NonDim - Static Margin
hmax = 20*10^3;
amax = 10;
SM = 2;
rhos = 2700 ; % kg/m^3 - Shell Density (Aluminum)
rhop = 1772 ; % kg/m^3 - Propellant Density
sigmas = 60*10^6 ; % Pa - Shell Working Stress
N = 3 ; % NonDim - Number of Fins
g = 9.81 ; % m/s^2 - Acceleration due to Gravity
% Vertical Takeoff so we get;
theta = 0;
ct = cosd(theta);
T = 298 ; % Kelvin - Temperature
Pa = 101.325*10^3 ; % Pa - Pressure
gamma = 1.4 ;
R_gc = 287 ; % J/kg*K - Universal Gas Constant
a_ss = sqrt(gamma*R_gc*T) ; % Meters/Second - Speed of Sound
% Part I
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Block 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Rmax = 1+amax ; % ND - Mass Ratio
Weq = sqrt((hmax*g)./((log(Rmax)/2).* ...
(log(Rmax)-2)+((Rmax-1)./Rmax))) ; % Meters/Second - Equiv Vel.
tb = (Rmax-1)*Weq/(g*Rmax) ; % Seconds - Burn Time
Meq = Weq/a_ss ; % ND - Equiv Mach
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Block 2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
P0_Pa = (1+Meq^2*((gamma-1)/2))^(gamma/(gamma-1)) ; % ND - Pressure Ratio
P0 = P0_Pa*Pa ; % Pa - Pressure
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Block 3 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Guessing Value for D based on Diagram
D = 0.0922; % Meters
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Block 4 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
delta = D*P0/(2*sigmas) ; % Meters
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Block 5 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Guessing a lambda value:
lambdamax = 0;
% Guessing Value for L based on Diagram
while true
syms Li X_cp X_cg
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Block 6 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Finding the structural mass as a function of D, L, delta, rhos
Mn = delta*rhos*pi*D*(D+(sqrt(D^2+(D/2)^2))) ; % kg
Vf = 0.5*D*D*delta ; % Meters^3
Mf = 3*(rhos*Vf) ; % kg
Mfb = pi*D*rhos*D*delta ; % kg
Mcyl = (2*pi*(D/2)*(Li+D)+2*pi*(D^2/4))*rhos*delta ; % kg
Mfin = (3/2)*D*rhos*delta ; % kg
Mcone = pi*(D/2)*((D/2)+sqrt(D^2 + (D^2/4)))*rhos*delta ; % kg
Ms = Mcyl+Mfin+Mcone ;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Block 7 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Finding the Propellent Mass
R = Rmax ; % ND
Mp = ((R - 1)*(Ms + ML)) ; % kg
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Block 8 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Finding Lp
Lp = Mp/(pi*D^2*rhop/4) ; % Meters
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Block 9 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Finding the Center of Pressure
Ckn = (4*N*(4/3))/(1+sqrt(6)) ; % ND
Xcp = (1.33*D + Ckn*(D+Li+(D/3)))/(2+Ckn) ; % Meters
% Finding the Center of Gravity
Xcgnum = Mcone*(2/3)*D + Mcyl*((Li+D)/2)+Mp*(2*D+Li-Lp+(Lp/2))...
+ Mfin*(D+Li+(1/3)*D);
Xcgden = Mcone+Mcyl+Mfin+Mp ;
Xcg = Xcgnum/Xcgden ; % Meters
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Block 10 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
eqn1 = Xcp-Xcg-D*SM == 0 ; % Meters
% Finding the value for L
L1 =vpasolve(eqn1,Li);
%***************** Re-going through all non-symbolically *****************%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Block 6 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Finding the structural mass as a function of D, L, delta, rhos
Mn = delta*rhos*pi*D*(D+(sqrt(D^2+(D/2)^2))) ; % kg
Vf = 0.5*D*D*delta ; % Meters^3
Mf = 3*(rhos*Vf) ; % kg
Mfb = pi*D*rhos*D*delta ; % kg
Mcyl = (2*pi*(D/2)*(L+D)+2*pi*(D^2/4))*rhos*delta ; % kg
Mfin = (3/2)*D*rhos*delta ; % kg
Mcone = pi*(D/2)*((D/2)+sqrt(D^2 + (D^2/4)))*rhos*delta ; % kg
Ms = Mcyl+Mfin+Mcone ;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Block 7 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Finding the Propellent Mass
R = Rmax ; % ND
Mp = vpa(((R - 1)*(Ms + ML))) ; % kg
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Block 8 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Finding Lp
Lp = Mp/(pi*D^2*rhop/4) ; % Meters
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Block 9 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Finding the Center of Pressure
Ckn = (4*N*(4/3))/(1+sqrt(6)) ; % ND
Xcpi = vpasolve((1.3333*D + (Ckn*(D+L+D./2)))/(2+Ckn) - X_cp==0);
Xcp = Xcpi(real(Xcpi)>0) ; % Meters
% Finding the Center of Gravity
Xcgnum = Mcone*(2/3)*D + Mcyl*((L+D)/2)+Mp*(2*D+L-Lp+(Lp/2))...
+ Mfin*(D+L+(1/3)*D);
Xcgden = Mcone+Mcyl+Mfin+Mp ;
Xcgi = vpasolve((Xcgnum/Xcgden)-X_cg) ; % Meters
Xcg = Xcgi(real(Xcgi)>0) ; % Meters
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Block 10 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Lpf = L+D ; % Meters
lambda = ML/(Ms+Mp) ;
M0 = ML+Ms+Mp ; % kg
if (L>D && Xcp>Xcg && Lp<Lpf)
if (lambda >= lambdamax)
Lnew = L ;
Lpnew = Lp ;
Dnew = D ;
tnew = t ;
Xcpnew = Xcp ;
Xcgnew = Xcg ;
Msnew = Ms ;
M0new = M0 ;
Mpnew = Mp ;
lambdamax_new = lambdamax ;
lambdamax = lambda ;
D = D+0.001 ;
Lp = Lpnew ;
t = tnew ;
Xcp = Xcpnew ;
Xcg = Xcgnew ;
L = Lnew ;
D = Dnew ;
lambdamax = lambdamax_new ;
Ms = Msnew ;
M0 = M0new ;
Mp = Mpnew ;
break ;
Lp = Lpnew ;
t = tnew ;
Xcp = Xcpnew ;
Xcg = Xcgnew ;
L = Lnew ;
D = Dnew ;
lambdamax = lambdamax_new ;
Ms = Msnew ;
M0 = M0new ;
Mp = Mpnew ;
break ;
% Problem 1
% Creating the Table
Impluse = Weq/g;
m_dot = Mp/tb;
Thrust = m_dot*Impluse*g
tD_r= t/D
ld_r =L/D
Eplison = lambda_m*M_s/(M_l)
Below is the error:
Undefined function or variable 'Lpnew'.
Error in Project1Code (line 227)
Lp = Lpnew ;

回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020-5-4
编辑:Walter Roberson 2020-5-4
if (L>D && Xcp>Xcg && Lp<Lpf)
That is false the first time through (because Lp > Lpf). Your code expects that it will be true the first time through, as you only assign to Lpnew when the condition is true.




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