Use symbolic math in MATLAB and the ‘solve’ command to get the transfer function

12 次查看(过去 30 天)
This is a example problem but when I run it it gives an error
>> syms s F
>> H=solve('(2.45*s^2+0.98*s+9.8)*Th+s^2*Z=0',
... '(12*s^2+720*s+1200)*Z+3.5*s^2*Th=F','Z,Th');
>> h=collect(H.Th,s);
>> h=collect(h,F);
>> pretty(h)

回答(1 个)

Sai Sri Pathuri
Sai Sri Pathuri 2020-5-7
You may refer the following documentation to get transfer function of Theta (using Symbolic Math and solve command)


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