Change keyboard focus in MATLAB GUI

9 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to allow the user to press return or space to enter values, so whenever they press these keys, no matter where the crusor is, a certain callback must be intiated. What happens is that the GUI loses focus whenever I press on the editable fields and start writing values, but if I pressed on the button manualy the enter and space keys regain focus.
the code block where I define these keyboard keys is
function keyPressCallback(source,eventdata)
keyPressed = eventdata.Key;
if strcmpi(keyPressed,'space') | strcmpi(keypressed, 'return')
Please anyone has an idea how to solve this issue?
Thank you
  5 个评论
Adham Elkhouly
Adham Elkhouly 2020-5-11
Can you please show me how and where I can do so?
Thank you
Harsha Priya Daggubati
Since you mentioned you are new to MATLAB's GUI, you can refer the following documentation to help you gain more clarity in adding calbacks in Appdesigner.


回答(1 个)

BhaTTa 2024-11-27
Hi @Adham Elkhouly, In MATLAB GUIs, handling global keyboard shortcuts like pressing "Return" or "Space" can be tricky, especially when focus shifts between different UI components. The issue you're encountering is due to the GUI focus changing when you interact with different controls, such as editable fields. To ensure that your key press callback works regardless of focus, you need to set up the callback at the figure level and ensure that it persists across interactions.
Here's a step-by-step approach to address this:
Step-by-Step Solution
  1. Set the KeyPressFcn at the Figure Level: Ensure that the key press callback is set at the figure level, so it captures key presses regardless of which UI component currently has focus.
  2. Use Logical OR Operator Correctly: Use || instead of | for logical operations in your conditions.
  3. Ensure Consistent Case: Ensure that the case of variable names is consistent (e.g., keyPressed vs. keypressed).
  4. Focus Management: Consider managing focus explicitly if needed.


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