Error in Serial Communication (F28027 + DRV8301) PMSM fault diagnosis - Programming TI C2000 LaunchPad with Simulink

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I want to do ac+dc field excitation in the d-axis (stator)
First, I tried to do Serial Communication.
I tried to apply 750 to each of PWM modules(TI instrument PWM module 1, 2, 3) for switching off the current.
(PWM Counter Period = 1500 & Up&Down Counter)
I use 12-bit Microcontroller, so range will be 0~4095(2^12 - 1)
Also I switched off the current, so serial Communication have to show me 2048 +- a (measure current_A phase)
But it showed 460 +- a (measure current_A phase)
I want to know what happen in my model. Do I make wrong model?
Thank you!
Fig 1 = Model Fig2 = ADC-PWM Subsystem Fig3 = Serial Communication Fig4 = Result

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