How do you write a function that can take another function as an argument?

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How do you write a function that can take another function as an argument?
This is pseudocode for what I want to write:
function [outputvector] = myfunction(inputfunction, myvector, arg 2, arg3,..., argn)
for i = 1:length(myvector) outputvector (i) = inputfunction(myvector(i), arg2, arg3, ...argn) end

回答(2 个)

Matt J
Matt J 2012-11-1
编辑:Matt J 2012-11-1
Pass a function handle as the inputfunction argument, e.g.
myfunction(@sin, myvector, arg2, arg3,..., argn);
Same kind of thing with anonymous functions
myfunction(@(x) x+1 , myvector, arg2, arg3,..., argn);

Vishal Rane
Vishal Rane 2012-11-8
编辑:Vishal Rane 2012-11-8
If you are not used to function handles, you can simply pass the function name and feval it inside. As long as both functions are anywhere on the matlab path.


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