Monte carlo simulation for model uncertainty analysis

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Hi, I want to use monte carlo simulation for my model uncertainty analysis. Model equation is y= (a x b x c) / d. For this equation a and b are measureable deterministic variables and change day by day. c and d are stochastic variables. c has uniform distribution interval of [25,35] and d has uniform distribuiton interval of [35,70].
5 day measurements are shown below.
day 1 a= 7 b= 8
day 2 a= 9 b= 12
day 3 a= 14 b= 15
day 4 a= 18 b= 19
day 5 a= 5 b= 4
How can ı draw histogram and calculate mean,standard deviation for output (y) by using 10 000 samples for each day. Thank you for your help.

回答(1 个)

Gokhan Kayan
Gokhan Kayan 2020-6-5
help me please :(


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