Relative a movement - biomechanics

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Marcelo Costa
Marcelo Costa 2012-11-20
Hello guys, Thus, I have capture a movement of a person throwing a ball, however the amount of frames they have are different. I wonder, how can I make them to be expressed as percentages of the movement, so all participants get from 0% (beginning of motion) and end in 100% (last scanned picture)? Therefore, people have the same number of frames.

回答(1 个)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2012-11-20
Sounds like you will want something from the interpx family:
doc interp3 %and friends
  1 个评论
Marcelo Costa
Marcelo Costa 2012-11-21
Let me see if I understand! I will create an array with the data I have and with another count of elements that I have, for example, matrix I want to interpolate a = [2 6 8 9 10] and other data with b = 1:1:5 and after that I created another array with the size I want to interpolate c = 1:1:100 and use the command interp1 (b, a, c, 'spline'). Am I Correct?



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