Error in fzero function

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a function
function F = myfun(x,xdata)
F =x(1)*sin((2*pi/x(2))*xdata+x(3));
with lsqrcurvefit i got x=[0.3559 14.2775 0.6573]
the function has several zero crossing. I want to find the zerocrossing in the interval of [t1 t2]
I used like this
findzero=fzero(@myfun(x,xdata),[-12 -7])
but it says error. it does nt take the command I have to pass x into myfun but it doesnt accept.
xdata is just a time series xdata=[-25:0.01:25]
pls help


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012-11-27
findzero=fzero(@(x) myfun(x,xdata),[-12 -7])

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