Creating a movie for n-body simulations

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
Iris 2012-11-27
Hello guys! I've done a n-body simulation program in matlab, now is defined for our solar system (till Saturn) and i've added a solar twin in certain position to see what happens. Now i need a movie from it, and my idea is to do a scatter for the present position and a line till the beginning of the simulation (following the path of the particles). This is all the code, i wish i could do the upload of the .m files (hope that runs ok)... Thank you for your help :)
if true
N = 8;
yr = 365.25*24*3600;
T = input('Define the interval of time:');
fprintf('T: %d\n', T)
G = 6.67300e-20;%km^3*kg^-1*s^-2
R = [0 0 0; %--> sun
6.7e7 0 0; %--> mercury
1.08e8 0 0; % --> venus
1.5e8 0 0; % --> earth
2.28e8 0 0; % --> mars
7.78e8 0 0; % --> jupiter
1.43e9 0 0; % --> saturn
-1e9 1.5e9 1e8]; % --> 2nd sun
R = [0 0 0; %--> sun
6.7e7 0 0; %--> mercury
1.08e8 0 0; % --> venus
1.5e8 0 0; % --> earth
2.28e8 0 0; % --> mars
% 7.761173e8 0 0; %--> callisto
% 7.7773291e8 0 0; % --> europa
% 7.7775782e8 0 0; % --> io
% 7.776929600 0 0; % --> ganymede
7.78e8 0 0; % --> jupiter
1.43e9 0 0; % --> saturn
-1e9 1.5e9 1e8]; % --> 2nd sun
V = [0 0 0; %--> sun
0 47.9 0; %--> mercury
0 35 0; % --> venus
0 30 0; % --> earth
0 24 0; % --> mars
% 0 (8.2 + vj) 0; %--> callisto
% 0 (13.74 + vj) 0; % --> europa
% 0 (17 + vj) 0; % --> io
% 0 (10.9 +vj) 0; % --> ganymede
0 13 0; % --> jupiter
0 9.7 0; % --> saturn
10 -20 0]; % --> 2nd sun
m = [2e30 3.3e23 4.9e24 6e24 6.4e23 1.9e27 5.7e26 2e30]; % 10.7e22 4.7e22 8.9e22 14.8e22 1.9e27];
M = sum(m);
% computing the center of mass
%dt = (1/2)min(ri/vi;vi/ai)
dt = yr/36500;
for i = 1:N
Rab(i) = (R(i,1).^2 + R(i,2).^2 + R(i,3).^2);
Vab(i) = (V(i,1).^2 + V(i,2).^2 + V(i,3).^2);
Min = ((1/2)*min(Rab./Vab))*0.0000000001;
if dt > Min
dt = Min;
dt = dt;
for j = 1:3
for i = 1:N
cm(i,j) = m(i)*R(i,j);
CM = (1/M)*sum(cm);
for i = 1:N
for j = 1:3
R(i,j) = R(i,j) - CM(j); %--> new possitons for R with (0,0,0) in CM
% velocity
for j = 1:3
for i = 1:N
cmv(i,j) = m(i)*V(i,j);
CMv = (1/M)*sum(cmv);
for i = 1:N
for j = 1:3
V(i,j) = V(i,j) - CMv(j); %--> new velocities for R with (0,0,0) in CM
Rr = reshape(R.',1,3*N).';
Rd = reshape(Rr,1,3*N);
Ra(1, :) = Rd;
Vr = reshape(V.',1,3*N).';
Vd = reshape(Vr,1,3*N);
Va(1, :) = Vd;
o = 1;
t = dt;
while t < T
o = o + 1;
count1 = 0;
for i = 1:N
count1 = count1 + 1;
ac = zeros(N,3);
n = [1:N];
n(n==i) = [];
count2 = 0;
pt = zeros(N-1,1);
for v = n(1:(N-1))
count2 = count2 + 1;
dist = ((R(i,1) - R(v,1))^2 + (R(i,2) - R(v,2))^2 + (R(i,3) - R(v,3))^2)^(1/2);
c = dist^3;
pa = m(i)*m(v)/dist;
pt(count2,1) = pa;
for j = 1:3
b(i,j) = (R(i,j) - R(v,j))/c;
ac(v,j) = -G*m(v).*b(i,j);
pb = sum(pt);
pbt(count1,1) = pb;
accelerations(i,:) = sum(ac);
pc = sum(pbt);
Ar = reshape(accelerations.',1,3*N).';
Ad = reshape(Ar,1,3*N);
for i = 1:N
for j = 1:3
V(i,j) = V(i,j) + accelerations(i,j)*dt;
Vr = reshape(V.',1,3*N).';
Vd = reshape(Vr,1,3*N);
for i = 1:N
for j = 1:3
R(i,j) = R(i,j) + V(i,j)*dt + (1/2)*accelerations(i,j)*(dt)^2;
Rr = reshape(R.',1,3*N).';
Rd = reshape(Rr,1,3*N);
for i = 1:N
Rab(:, i) = (Rd(:,(3*i-2))^2 + Rd(:,(3*i-1))^2 + Rd(:,(3*i))^2)^(1/2);
Vab(:, i) = (Vd(:,(3*i-2))^2 + Vd(:,(3*i-1))^2 + Vd(:,(3*i))^2)^(1/2);
Aab(:, i) = (Ad(:,(3*i-2))^2 + Ad(:,(3*i-1))^2 + Ad(:,(3*i))^2)^(1/2);
Min1 = (min(Rab./Vab))*0.001;
Min2 = (min(Vab./Aab))*0.001;
MIN = min([Min1 Min2]);
dt = MIN;
p(o, :) = pc;
Ra(o, :) = Rd;
Va(o, :) = Vd;
t = t + dt;
i_t = size(Ra);
i_t = i_t(1);
hold on
color = ['b' 'c' 'g' 'y' 'r' 'm' 'b' 'c' 'g' 'y'];
%area = [pi*(695500000*39.37001*72)^2 pi*(2440000*39.37001*72)^2 pi*(6502000*39.37001*72)^2 pi*(6378000*39.37001*72)^2 pi*(3396000*39.37001*72)^2 pi*(71492000*39.37001*72)^2 pi*(60268000*39.37001*72)^2 pi*(695500000*39.37001*72)^2];
for i = 1:N
X = Ra(:,(3*i-2));
Y = Ra(:,(3*i-1));
Z = Ra(:,3*i);
scatter3(Ra(1,(3*i-2)), Ra(1,(3*i-1)), Ra(1,(3*i)), color(i))
plot3(X, Y, Z, color(i))
scatter3(Ra(i_t,(3*i-2)), Ra(i_t,(3*i-1)), Ra(i_t,(3*i)), color(i))
%M(i) = getframe;
axis square
grid on
xlim([-1.5e9 1.5e9]);
ylim([-1.5e9 1.5e9]);
zlim([-1e8 1e8]);
hold off

回答(2 个)

Babak 2012-11-27
use "getframe" and "addframe" to "avifile" object. Look them up in help to learn how to make a movie. if you have the center of the spheres and their radii, you can plot them in 2D or 3D and then getframe and addframe to your movie file. You can also draw the path of the motion of the planets and superimpose it to the figure.
  1 个评论
Babak 2012-11-28
编辑:Babak 2012-11-28
After getting all the time step's solutions, , you create a for loop for plotting. In the for loop you plot the scatter and then
hold on
and then plot the line (path), then you will do a
then you should
hold off
This way, in the next iteration of your for loop, you will plot the new scatter and plot the new path then getframe,...
Note that, if you are going to do this, the path (line) you want to plot, in every iteration of the for loop should include all the previous path as well as the path of the current time step. To do this, you need to create a matrix that saves the previous path when you are deriving the solution. Like this:
for j=1:N
% compute line
path = [path , line];
This way you can save the lines and when plotting you can plot only


Iris 2012-11-28
Hello Babak, thank you for your answer. The problem is that i have 2 plots (the line and the scatter) and at each time i need to erase the previous scatter but remain with the line... Thank u *


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