Creating all possible combination of a letter/string

15 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello everyone,
I was wondering is there a way to create all possible combination of a word in terms of uppercase and lowercase.
Say there is char
I need output something like
OUTPUT= ['ABC', 'ABc', 'AbC', 'aBC', 'Abc', 'aBc', 'abC', 'abc'];
Is there anyway by which I can achieve this in matlab?


James Tursa
James Tursa 2020-6-17
编辑:James Tursa 2020-6-17
One way to create a matrix of these character strings:
dem_a='ABC'; % assume starting string is all upper
n = numel(dem_a);
result = repmat(dem_a,2^n,1);
mask = dec2bin((0:(2^n-1))') == '1';
result(mask) = result(mask) + ('a'-'A');
or that last line could be
result(mask) = lower(result(mask));
  2 个评论
Rahul J Hirur
Rahul J Hirur 2020-6-18
Thank you.
One tiny thing though,
dem_a if it has lowercase letter. It will throw some garbage in.
It can be solved using upper() function


更多回答(1 个)

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2020-6-17
There is no built-in function for this, but you can use the capabilitied of MATLAB to find the answer. Here's one way.
t = 'ABCabc';
% All possible permutations
p = perms(t);
% Only keep the unique combinations of the first 3 letters
p = unique(p(:,1:3),'rows')
% Only keep those permutations that have 'A' in the first column, 'B' in the 2nd and 'C' in the third.
% strcmpi is case insensitive
p = p(strcmpi(p,"ABC"),:)
  2 个评论
Kyle Tan
Kyle Tan 2021-7-6
编辑:Kyle Tan 2021-7-6
How can I incorporate this formula into a find txt formula?
After finding all information, I need a command to find all possible combinations of a ten letter of strings of D and E only. EX: DDDDDDDDDE, EEEEDEDEDE, etc., in any order and any amount of Ds and Es. While I used the permutation formula, I found that there were 252 results, but only involving the combination of exactly 5 D's and 5 E's. If possible, is there a way to list all possible combinations AND Permutations?
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2021-7-7
编辑:Cris LaPierre 2021-7-7
Not sure of your data format, but I think I would take a slightly different approach here. I would use the pattern searching capabilities of MATLAB to identify the sequences you want.
% using cell arrays
pat = characterListPattern("DE");
inds = count(C,pat,'IgnoreCase',true)==10;
% using string arrays
pat = characterListPattern("DE");
inds = count(txt,pat,'IgnoreCase',true)==10;
ans = 1×2 string array



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