%Read each CSV file, export them to excel, change the text data in excel to numeric, import these excels and work with them
clear all
%Where is the csv file
% cd 'C:\Documents\Excel'
% dataFolder = 'C:\Documents\Excel';
for L=1:1:2
dirname = [dirroot,'\L',num2str(L)];
files = dir(fullfile(dirname,'*.csv')); %Listing all files in the given directory with the extension of csv
filename_list = {files.name}; %We need only the filenames
number_of_files = size(files,1); %Getting the number of csv files we have found
for i=1:number_of_files %if there are csv files in the folder I run a for cycle on them
filename = filename_list(i); %I pass the filename to a variable
filedir = strcat(dirname,"\",filename); %I extend the filename with the directory's path
csv2table = readtable(filename(i)); %Give me the csv file in a table
%fid = fopen(filename(i));
csv2table2cell= table2cell(csv2table); %Give me the table in cell
xlswrite('filename.xls', csv2table2cell); %Write me an excel from the cell
%Change the first two text data to 0 and 1 - because they aren't impotartant - to get a full numerical database
varCell = {0,1};
xlCell = {'A1','B1'};
cellfun(@(v,c) xlswrite('*pmtf.xls',v,1,c),varCell,xlCell);
for ii = 1: excel_files
data = cell2mat(num2cell(xlsread('csv2excel.xls'))); %read in the full-numeric excel file, convert it from double to cell,
%from cell to matrix for the following calculations
data_size = size(data); %The size of the matrix
number_of_elements = numel(data(:,16)); %The 16th column elements
rowsWith50 = find(any(data == 50, 2)); % Find out all the rows that have a 50 in them.
% If any row(s) do, then find the column with the 50 in it, and get the max of that column.
if ~isempty(rowsWith50)
firstRowWith50 = data(rowsWith50(1), :);
columnWith50 = find(firstRowWith50 == 50, 1, 'first'); % Get its column
theMax = max(data(2:number_of_elements, columnWith50)); % Find the max of this column over all rows
%Local_Max = findpeaks(data(2:number_of_elements, columnWith50));