How to use bayesopt function to predict the optimal parameters for the experiment?

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a list of X values (like experimental parameters) and corresponding Y values (the experimental results), as well as X variable ranges, how can I use the bayesopt() function to predict the optimal X parameters to get the best Y value, since most of the examples on the internet are about find the optimal hyperparameters of a algorithm, which is a litte different from my problem. I don't know how to deal with the object function, since I don't have a object function, my data are experimental parameters and experimental results. I hope to use the existing data to predict the optimal parameters. I find some examples, and write a program, but it works not well as I expected, here is the program,
the examples that I refered,
X = unifrnd(0,10,30,3);
Y = unifrnd(0,2000,30,1);
sat1 = optimizableVariable('s1',[0,10],'Type','real');
sat2 = optimizableVariable('s2',[0,10],'Type','real');
sat3 = optimizableVariable('s3',[0,10],'Type','real');
var=[sat1,sat2 sat3];
initialXList = table;
initialXList.s1 = X(:,1);
initialXList.s2 = X(:,2);
initialXList.s3 = X(:,3);
initialObjList = Y;
dummyFunc = @(Tbl)0;
bayesObject = bayesopt(dummyFunc,var,...
'MaxObjectiveEvaluations',50, ...
  1 个评论
xu supeng
xu supeng 2020-6-24
编辑:xu supeng 2020-6-24
I have a thought, but maybe it's not easy to realize. Firstly, use a group of X and corresponding Y to train a model with optimal parameters, e.g. fitcknn algorithm (to get the optimal hyperparameters), then, use the model as objective function, and use bayesopt() to select the next 20 X values from the X ranges, and the correspoing Y values, and use the 20 group of [X, Y] as experimental data to train the algorithm again, repeat this process agin and again, finally, get the optimal results, I will do it, if anyone can give me suggestions, I would thanks very much, since I am not familar with algorithm, and which algorithm to choose should have quite influence on the final results~
Note, the [X, Y] are totally experimental results, so there isn't obvious relationship between them~
A simple case, but it seems the bayesopt() function can't use the trained model Md1, why? what's the problem~
rng default
X = unifrnd(0,10,30,3);
Y = unifrnd(0,2000,30,1);
Mdl = fitcknn(X,Y,'OptimizeHyperparameters','auto',...
sat1 = optimizableVariable('s1',[0,10],'Type','real');
sat2 = optimizableVariable('s2',[0,10],'Type','real');
sat3 = optimizableVariable('s3',[0,10],'Type','real');
var=[sat1,sat2 sat3];
Fun = @(z)predict(Mdl,[z.s1,z.s2,z.s3]);
bayesObject = bayesopt(Fun,var,...
'MaxObjectiveEvaluations',20, ...



Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss 2020-6-24
It soiunds to me as if there are two steps to your problem:
  1. Fit a parameterized function to some data. So you might have some function like y = A(1)exp(-A(2)*x + A(3)*x^2 and you first need to fit your A values to the given (x,y) data. It really is up to you to decide on a suitable parameterized function.
  2. Minimize the resulting function. Once you have a parameterized curve or surface y = f(x) with known function f, use the normal optimization procedures to find the location of the minimum.
You can use bayesopt for either or both steps, or use some other optimizer for either or both steps.
Good luck,
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
  10 个评论
xu supeng
xu supeng 2022-2-21
编辑:xu supeng 2022-2-21
Yes, it's my fault, I write this program within Julia, and call matlab bayesopt function from julia, so that's why I write it like this, the definition of function is a little different, and about the objective function, to be honest, with matlab it takes about 200s to run it for one time, but with julia, it takes about 10s, that's why I use Julia, I am sorry, I didn't say it clear, and I think I already try my best to optimimize the program speed, maybe there is still improvement space that I don't know, but matlab is good just not that fast~ thanks anyway
Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss 2022-2-21
Thanks for the clarifications. I cannot help you, though; I obviously know nothing about Julia, and the problems you encounter seem to be related to using Julia.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation


更多回答(2 个)

xu supeng
xu supeng 2020-7-6
Hi, guys
I already fix this problem last week, the problem is I try to use the fitted objective function to estimated the next Y values, but actually the function is a prediction function, it can tell you the next optimal Xi place where you have the largest opportunity to found the optimal Yi value, and you need to do experiment or simulation with Xi to get the real Yi value and put it into the database and updates the fitted objective function, then it works quite well, here I share the codes and the results ~
%%%Colom 1 ~ 6 is the X parameters, Colom 7 is the Y values
Data =[5.6207 3.4326 0.99076 -0.5681 2.2269 -0.76352 -2560.6
9.4475 5.1669 8.8368 -1.5091 4.6748 -1.2324 -738.19
6.2045 3.1342 5.3344 -1.0461 -4.807 -2.4016 -3044.6
9.1965 5.4567 2.741 4.9886 -2.2476 -1.2381 -427.06
5.5178 2.9224 0.47097 -4.7451 -4.3422 2.582 -1363.8
1.4587 6.82 9.6364 -0.55175 -4.2558 4.4485 -5265.8
9.003 1.3252 0.91798 3.956 1.3036 2.8979 -788.03
3.658 4.7395 9.7259 3.8048 -0.8229 0.097753 -2241.8
3.661 9.6049 9.3967 -0.52114 1.8493 -3.1426 -2594.9
7.538 6.3236 3.6793 -0.27248 -2.4987 2.9187 -3992.8
2.8826 2.9379 7.6082 -4.3078 3.5267 -0.76454 -1637.5
2.5475 0.41993 2.1689 3.0568 -0.5199 -2.6993 -971.66
9.8318 9.7541 7.1499 -1.069 -0.10125 2.48 -3309.2
5.0904 0.4727 6.0548 -3.1414 -1.1608 2.6665 -2494.9
5.3166 9.3089 3.4795 1.1064 1.6673 3.2222 -3272.3
4.8304 0.35989 1.7593 4.4904 -4.7422 1.9583 -421.03
5.5926 7.7423 7.4898 1.6932 3.9333 3.2528 -911.6
8.5082 8.2249 6.6189 4.0599 1.9319 -0.82999 -6993
7.0123 4.0614 2.0719 -2.5927 -3.013 -1.769 -1800.4
3.6205 2.0072 4.4781 -1.2097 3.811 2.8131 -1086.1];
X = Data(:,1:6);
Y = Data(:,7);
for ii=1:500 %%% 10 groups of Loop, each Loop 20 iterations based on the former X Y data, since the initial [X Y] values are also included in the iteration numbers
% disp([X,Y]);
% disp(Len);
%%% trained with fitrgp to find the optimal hyperparameters for X Y
Md1 = fitrgp(X,Y,'OptimizeHyperparameters','all','HyperparameterOptimizationOptions',struct('ShowPlots',false,'Verbose',0));
% disp([Md1.BasisFunction,' ',Md1.KernelFunction,' ',num2str(Md1.Sigma)]);
sat1 = optimizableVariable('s1',[0,10],'Type','real');
sat2 = optimizableVariable('s2',[0,10],'Type','real');
sat3 = optimizableVariable('s3',[0,10],'Type','real');
delta1 = optimizableVariable('d1',[-5,5],'Type','real');
delta2 = optimizableVariable('d2',[-5,5],'Type','real');
delta3 = optimizableVariable('d3',[-5,5],'Type','real'); %% set the variable
var=[sat1 sat2 sat3 delta1 delta2 delta3];
initialXList = table;
initialXList.s1 = X(:,1);
initialXList.s2 = X(:,2);
initialXList.s3 = X(:,3);
initialXList.d1 = X(:,4);
initialXList.d2 = X(:,5);
initialXList.d3 = X(:,6);
initialObjList = Y; %%% set te initial X Y values
bayesObject = bayesopt(@(tbl)mdlfun(tbl,Md1),var,...
'MaxObjectiveEvaluations',Len+1,... %%%
if mod(ii,5)==0
disp([bayesObject.XAtMinObjective array2table(bayesObject.MinObjective)]);
disp([bayesObject.XAtMinEstimatedObjective array2table(bayesObject.MinEstimatedObjective)]);
Results(ii,:) = [table2array(bayesObject.XAtMinObjective) bayesObject.MinObjective table2array(bayesObject.XAtMinEstimatedObjective) bayesObject.MinEstimatedObjective];
Yplusone=Updates(X(end,:)); %%% Updates the database with the optimal Xi parameters found by the fitted objective function
if Yplusone>0
hold on
xlabel('Number of iteration','FontSize',20);
function f = mdlfun(tbl,mdl)
sat1 = tbl.s1;
sat2 = tbl.s2;
sat3 = tbl.s3;
delta1 = tbl.d1;
delta2 = tbl.d2;
delta3 = tbl.d3;
var = [sat1 sat2 sat3 delta1 delta2 delta3];
f = predict(mdl,var);
both fitrgp and fitrlinear works well, but fitrlinear is much faster than the fitrgp~~~
  2 个评论
Ceren Tarar
Ceren Tarar 2022-3-9
编辑:Ceren Tarar 2022-3-9
Hi, what is the Updates function (Yplusone=Updates(X(end,:)); ) here? I can't find it anywhere else. Where is it defined?
xu supeng
xu supeng 2022-10-19
Sorry, this is my initial program and is not clean or simple, if you are still interested, use the following example:
% define initial X value, but I didn't use initial Y value
53.999 34.843 36.974 51.649 2 1 1 2 -4.1921 4.4694 -3.6857 -3.2385
7.9335 72.09 39.635 53.757 2 1 1 2 -3.7329 4.6742 -2.6008 -2.9756
32.198 29.476 16.324 59.771 2 1 1 2 -4.1383 5.1433 -3.368 -3.3614
19.269 91.109 36.935 76.83 2 1 1 2 -4.0158 5.0661 -3.0922 -1.6616
% set the variable
pow1 = optimizableVariable('p1',[0,100],'Type','real');
pow2 = optimizableVariable('p2',[0,100],'Type','real');
pow3 = optimizableVariable('p3',[0,100],'Type','real');
pow4 = optimizableVariable('p4',[0,100],'Type','real');
pol1 = optimizableVariable('po1',[1,2],'Type','integer');
pol2 = optimizableVariable('po2',[1,2],'Type','integer');
pol3 = optimizableVariable('po3',[1,2],'Type','integer');
pol4 = optimizableVariable('po4',[1,2],'Type','integer');
det1 = optimizableVariable('d1',[-10,10],'Type','real');
det2 = optimizableVariable('d2',[-10,10],'Type','real');
det3 = optimizableVariable('d3',[-10,10],'Type','real');
det4 = optimizableVariable('d4',[-10,10],'Type','real');
var=[pow1 pow2 pow3 pow4 pol1 pol2 pol3 pol4 det1 det2 det3 det4];
initialXList = table;
initialXList.p1 = X(:,1);
initialXList.p2 = X(:,2);
initialXList.p3 = X(:,3);
initialXList.p4 = X(:,4);
initialXList.po1 = X(:,5);
initialXList.po2 = X(:,6);
initialXList.po3 = X(:,7);
initialXList.po4 = X(:,8);
initialXList.d1 = X(:,9);
initialXList.d2 = X(:,10);
initialXList.d3 = X(:,11);
initialXList.d4 = X(:,12);
bayesObject = bayesopt(@(tbl)mdlfun(tbl),var,...
'MaxObjectiveEvaluations',1000,... % optimizaiton numbers
'ExplorationRatio',0.5,... % exploration degree, default value is 0.5
'InitialX',initialXList,... % start from the initial value
'UseParallel',true); % use parallel
hold on;
xlabel('Iteration times','FontSize',20);
ylabel('Capture velocity (m/s)','FontSize',20);
function f = mdlfun(tbl)
pow1 = tbl.p1;
pow2 = tbl.p2;
pow3 = tbl.p3;
pow4 = tbl.p4;
pol1 = tbl.po1;
pol2 = tbl.po2;
pol3 = tbl.po3;
pol4 = tbl.po4;
det1= tbl.d1;
det2= tbl.d2;
det3= tbl.d3;
det4= tbl.d4;
var = [pow1 pow2 pow3 pow4 pol1 pol2 pol3 pol4 det1 det2 det3 det4];
f = black_box_function(var); % black box function defined by yourself, once input a group of X, it will return a Y value


M Mirrashid
M Mirrashid 2022-6-5


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