Dear Matlab-Users,
I try to copy an axis which is integrated in a GUI into a new figure. In this context, I face a problem with the XTickLabeling. The XTickLabels are not copied correctly. This piece of code demonstrates the problem:
f1=figure; ax1=axes('Parent',f1); plot(data); set(gca,'XTickLabel',[11:20])
f2=figure; copyobj(allchild(ax1),axes('Parent',f2))
f3=figure; copyobj(get(f1,'children'),f3);
ax1 is the axis I wish to duplicate. Looking at f2, it seems that allchild(ax1) does not include the XTickLabels. Figure f3 contains the correct result. But to copy all figure components is not an option for my real application, since the axis is part of a GUI. How can I copy only the axis, but get the XTickLabeling correct? Please help!
Thanks in advance