Does anyone know how to calculate the slope of elliptical line by using the matlab?
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I have some data of the elliptical line, does anyone know how to calculate the slope of elliptical line by using the matlab?
4 个评论
James Tursa
If you mean the slope of the tangent line at a point on the ellipse, take the differential of both sides:
2*x*dx/4 + 2*y*dy/16 = 0
Then solve for dy/dx, the slope of the tangent line at the point (x,y):
dy/dx = -4*x/y
John D'Errico
Or, given that equation, differentiate, recognizing that d/dx applied to x^2 is 2*x. d/dx applied to y^2 is 2*y*dy/dx. Now solve for dy/dx.
Image Analyst
Exactly what is an "elliptical line"? That's a new one on me. I know lines, and I know ellipses, but not an elliptical line. What is it?
Anyway, if you have "some data" on a line, you can get the slope of a line fitted through your "some data" from the polyfit() function.
coefficients = polyfit(x, y, 1);
The slope of the line fitted through the x and y points is
slope = coefficients(1);
5 个评论
Image Analyst
编辑:Image Analyst
No, because I didn't know what you meant. So you have an ellipse and you want the slope of a line that's tangent to the ellipse at each points. What I'd probably do is Use John and James code. Untested code
slopeInfo = zeros(length(x), 3); % Col1 = x, col2 = y, col3 = slope
for k = 1 : length(x) % for every (x,y) point on the ellipse (almost)...
slopeInfo(k, 1) = x(k); % Assign x to column 1.
slopeInfo(k, 2) = y(k); % Assign y to column 2.
slopeInfo(k, 3) = -4 * x(k) / y(k); % Assign slope to column 3.
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