Solve equation that has a complex subexpression

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to solve the following equation for omega:
So I tried this:
syms s omega G(s)
G(s) = 10/(s*(1+s)*(1+0.2*s));
% Try to find omega that satisfies the equation:
Error using mupadengine/feval_internal (line 172)
No complex subexpressions allowed in real mode.
Error in solve (line 293)
sol = eng.feval_internal('solve', eqns, vars, solveOptions);
Although there is an imaginary number in the expression, the decision variable is real and the expression evaluates to a real number (due to angle) so I don't see why it should have a problem solving this.
Obviously, I can think of other ways to solve the problem, but it would be nice to just use angle on the whole transfer function.
% Get solution a different way:
omega_sol = solve(-pi/2-atan2(omega,1)-atan2(omega,5)-deg2rad(-135),omega)
% Confirm solution:
omega_sol =
ans =
In summary, is there any way to solve the original expression for omega directly:
angle(subs(G(s),s,omega*j)) == deg2rad(-135)


Star Strider
Star Strider 2020-7-30
Solving for the tangent of the phase angle, rather than using the arctangent of the transfer function, appears to produce the correct result:
syms s omega G(s)
assume(omega > 0)
G(s) = 10/(s*(1+s)*(1+0.2*s));
G = subs(G, s, 1j*omega)
OMG = solve(imag(G)/real(G) == tan(deg2rad(-135)), omega)
vpaOMG = vpa(OMG)
vpaOMG =
  2 个评论
Bill Tubbs
Bill Tubbs 2020-7-30
编辑:Bill Tubbs 2020-7-30
Thanks. This solves it. B.t.w. to avoid redefining G, this also works: OMG = solve(imag(G(j*omega))/real(G(j*omega)) == tan(deg2rad(-135)), omega).
Star Strider
Star Strider 2020-7-30
As always, my pleasure!
I thought about using ‘1j*omega’ as a function argument, however went with subs because that was in your original code, and there was some reason you specifically used it.


更多回答(1 个)

Bill Tubbs
Bill Tubbs 2020-12-2
编辑:Bill Tubbs 2020-12-2
I just discovered that you can also solve this numerically with vpasolve:
syms s omega G(s)
assume(omega > 0)
G(s) = 10/(s*(1+s)*(1+0.2*s));
% Try to find omega that satisfies the equation:
vpasolve(angle(G(omega*j)) == deg2rad(-135),omega)
ans =
This is a more robust solution as it can handle more complex functions such as this:
G(s) = exp(-4*s)/(1+s);
vpasolve(angle(G(omega*j)) == deg2rad(-135),omega)
ans =
  4 个评论
Bill Tubbs
Bill Tubbs 2020-12-2
Thanks, yes I looked at that but I think it requires a vector of consecutive angles as input. Here, we are passing the function to vpasolve so I don't think unwrap could be used.
Star Strider
Star Strider 2020-12-2
I’m not certain what you’re plotting.
Experiment with something like this:
ad = -180:20:180;
ad360 = mod(ad+360,360);
ar = -pi:0.31:pi;
ar2pi = mod(ar+2*pi,2*pi);



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