Drawing circuits in Simulink
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Hi everyone! Matlab isn't new for me but I never used Simulink and now I need it for a project about signal conditioning I'm working on.
The signal conditioning I need requires an input of 5V to produce an output of +-10V. There is also an input sign with a range of 5V [0->5V]. I already draw (in paper) the circuit that does this and now I'm trying to transpose it to simulink, but I'm having troubles with that. As I said before I'm new with Simulink so I really don't now if i'm doing something wrong or not...
You can check the links below to have a look at what I've done.
Anyone can help me?
Cheers, Filipe Belga
回答(1 个)
Azzi Abdelmalek
编辑:Azzi Abdelmalek
You are using elements from different libraries, that can't be connected. The red line means that your blocks are not connected.
Your controlled voltage source is from SimPowerSystem toolbox, it can't be conected to resistor block from fondation librairie use instead a series RLC branch bloc from SimPowerSystem/element then set branch type to R if you want a resistor or L if you want an inductance and so on
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