Calculate volume of cylindric tank

19 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi all,
I'm trying to build a script/function that will help me calculate the volume of a cylindrical fuel tank, and translate about 10 (every 10%) points of the tank to 4-20mA output.
I'm using these tanks and as part of my work. The measurment is via a device that can read 4-20mA but it must be calibrated according to the calcultation above.
Basicaly what I'm looking for is to build a function that receives the diamater and length of the tank as an input and output 10 points of fuel level translated into 4-20 mA (where 4 mA means 0 liters of fuel and 20mA is the maximum the fuel tank can store)
Also plotting the fuel tank somehow and viewing it would be a great addition.
Any suggestions where and how to start building this??
I'm kind of new around matlab so any help would be more than appreciated.
Thanks ahead,


Sudheer Bhimireddy
编辑:Sudheer Bhimireddy 2020-8-7
Try this:
function [tank_volume mA_points fuel_level mA_reading] = get_tank_volume(tank_diameter, tank_length, sensor_read)
% Calculate the volume of the tank
tank_volume = pi * (tank_diameter/2)^2 * tank_length;
vol_temp = 0:0.1:1;
vol_temp = vol_temp .* tank_volume; % Now your volume is divided into 10% increments
mA_points = linspace(4,20,numel(vol_temp)); % your mA points divided in to same number of volume increments
% Now fit a straight line through the volume and mA points to get the line-equation
coeffs = polyfit(vol_temp, mA_points, 1);
mA_slope = coeffs (1);
mA_intercept = coeffs (2);
% Now if you have the mA reading from the sensors
% then you can get the current fuel level by:
fuel_level = (sensor_read - mA_intercept)/mA_slope;
mA_reading = sensor_read;
% Instead if you have the fuel level reading and would like to
% get the equivalent mA reading, uncomment the below 2 expression
% fuel_level = sensor_read;
% mA_reading = (mA_slope * sensor_read) + mA_intercept
Once you get the required variable, you can plot the level as a rectangle with curved edges to resemble the tank.
tank_diameter=10;tank_length = 100; fuel_level = 45;
hold on;
% The first rectangle will draw the tank
rectangle('Position',[1 0 tank_diameter tank_length],'Curvature',0.5);
% The second rectangle will fill the tank based on the reading
% make sure to keep the curvature value same between the two rectangles for it to look good
rectangle('Position',[1 0 tank_diameter fuel_level],'Curvature',0.5,'FaceColor','b');
ylabel('Fuel level (L)');
daspect([1 1 1]);
Hope this helps.
  5 个评论
Shaked Bar
Shaked Bar 2020-8-12
Hi John,
This is not homework, this is actually for my work.
I'm trying to learn Matlab online from Youtube and from this respectful forum.
Thanks again Sudheer, I will definately try your suggestion.


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