Incorrect use of '='

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Jarren Berdal
Jarren Berdal 2020-8-7
disp('Ingrediants ID#');
disp('eggs: 10');
disp('avocado: 21');
disp('2 bread slices: 32');
disp('peanut butter: 43');
disp(' cup of spinich: 54');
disp('1/4 tbs of butter:65');
disp('slices of cheese: 76');
n = input('how many ingredients do you have');
for k = 1:n
a(k) = input(sprintf('Type code of Ingrediant #%d: ',k ));
A(k) = input(sprintf('Type quantity of Ingrediant #%d: ',k ));
if (a(k) = 10)
elseif(a(k) = 21)
elseif (a(k) = 32
eggsandwich = (a(1)*A(1))+(a(2)*A(2))+(a(3)*A(3));
if eggsandwich >= 63
disp('egg avocado sandwich');
I am trying to have 3 conditions met by putting in a food ID number, once those three ID numbers are met, then it can proceed the formula displayed above. If it anser is above a certain number it would display that food.
'Incorrect use of '='. To assign a vlaue to a variable, use '=' . To compare values for equality, use '=='.


Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2020-8-7
use "==" for equal compare. It is in the error message.
  2 个评论
Jarren Berdal
Jarren Berdal 2020-8-7
now reads ' invalid expression
James Tursa
James Tursa 2020-8-7
Show your current code. The comparisons should be a(k)==10 etc.


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