How to ressolve Lookup Table Error?

24 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello, Can anyone explain me reason of the following type of eroor: Error as: Input value of block '..../LookupTable' exceeds range of breakpoint vector for dimension 1.


Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind 2013-1-3
It looks like your input values sometimes exceed the range that you specified in "Breakpoints 1" (assuming you're using the n-D Lookup Table), so depending on your application, you may either want to limit your input using the Saturation block, or update your "Breakpoints 1" range and the Table Data.
  1 个评论
Hugo Pascual
Hugo Pascual 2014-12-11
Hello, I would appreciate very much your answer, Following the discussion above, I got the same message as Ramesh with a continuous solver,even when my two inputs are both limited into the range with saturation blocks(actually they do not exceed the range, but It shows that message) however it shows no warning when I run my model with a discrete solver. It works, but I do not know why!
Thank you in advance!


更多回答(1 个)

Joshua 2023-3-15
Input value of block 'SimscapeOnramp/1-D Lookup Table' exceeds range of breakpoint vector for dimension 1.


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